A feature-length documentary film directed by Alexander Lind produced by GotFat Productions about ‘Peace Sculpture...
A feature-length documentary film directed by Alexander Lind produced by GotFat Productions about ‘Peace Sculpture...
The Anatomy of Shame is a text about individual and collective shame.
A work about complex and opposing political power structures.
A hymn for peace.
Exhibited on May 4th, 2020, the 75th anniversary of the end of World War II,...
Art is power.
A remediation of the video art piece 'The Line' – a grand tour from Skagen...
A demo for an urban light sculpture on a lage scale in the city.
Hymn to Prigov from 'Peace Sculpture 1995’.
A 532 kilometres line of laser light along the west coast of Jutland.
An installation that explores the dark marks on human existence.
Sketches from the Line Light Study.