/ Håndskrevne noder til Palle Mikkelborgs værk ‘Soundscape’

The handwritten sheet music for the work Soundscape composed by Palle Mikkelborg.

About the work

The Danish international composer and trumpeter Palle Mikkelborg created the work Soundscape and invited 1000 musicians to record the work, here are all the handwritten sheet music. 
The work was premiered in 7 places along seven places along with Linien – Lyset on 4 May 1995. 

The work was constructed as a sound experience that touches the ear as light touches the eye.

Flip through all 242 sheets below

Handwritten sheet music for the work Soundscape.

Composed by
Palle Mikkelborg

First performed by
Palle Mikkelborg og Helen Davis

Music co-ordinator

Anette Faaborg

Produced by

Palle Mikkelborg og Cy Nicklin

© Fredsskulptur 1995

Participating orchestras
Aalborg Symfoniorkester, Odense Symfoniorkester, Radiosymfoniorkester, Sjællands Symfoniorkester, Sønderjyllands Symfoniorkester, Århus Symfoniorkester, Radiounderholdningsorkesteret, Danmarks Radio Big Band, Klüvers Big Band, New Jungle Orkestre

Participating choirs
Danmarks Radios Pigekor, Den Jyske Operas Kor, Københavns Drengekor, Lille Muko, Radiokoret, Tritomus Koret, Vokalgruppen, Ars Nova, Århus Kammerkor

Participating ensembles
Athelas Ensemblet, Christina von Bülow’s Trio, Den Danske Blæserkvintet, Den Danske Blæseroktet, Den Danske Kvartet, Den Skandinaviske Guitarduo, Det Jyske Ensemble, Esbjerg Ensemble, Kontra Kvartetten, Lin Ensemble, Middelalderensensemblet Alba, Ny Dansk Saxofonkvartet, Randers Byorkester, Safri Percussion Duo, Storstrøms Kammerensemble, Trio Rococo

Participating solists
Stig Fogh Andersen, Franz Beckerlee, Rosalind Bevan, Hanne Boel, Steffen Brandt, Thomas Clausen, Carsten Dahl, Dicte, Poul Dissing, Lars Hannibal, Lars H.U.G., Tina Kiberg, Kenneth Knudsen, Anders Koppel, Benjamin Koppel, Butch Lacy, Amalie Malling, Marilyn Mazur, Peter møller, Mikkel Nordsø, Niels Henning Ørsted Pedersen, Michala Petri, Per Salo, Kim Sjøgren, Bo Stief, Gert Sørensen, Jesper Thilo, Elisabeth Westerholz